Entries by BillCarmody

25 Companies That Are Determined to Help Women Succeed

To overcome systemic social and financial challenges while starting a business, women must approach entrepreneurship differently. Here are 25 companies dedicated to helping women succeed. Devishobha Chandramouli recently came to me with a clear cut problem in business: Women face systemic social and financial challenges while starting a business. Rather than just complain about it, […]

The Secret to Happiness

Happiness comes from your own actions. Happiness is a choice. When you find yourself in an emotional state that you’d rather not be in, you have the power to change it in an instant. There have been several books written on the subject of happiness, including several from Tal Ben-Shahar (Happier, Even Happier, and Being […]

How Millionaires Relax and Max Their Vacation Time

Why is it that most entrepreneurs can’t relax when they take time off from work? Use these 8 steps to truly enjoy your next vacation. We work so hard and have a desire to play just as hard. But when we finally commit to taking time off, we are flooded with the guilt of all […]


20 Most Disruptive Innovators of 2016

As Clay Christensen points out, these twenty people are just like you. They are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. On Friday, April 22nd, I attended one of the most inspiring and arguably one of the best award shows available to entrepreneurs today: The Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards. So many CEOs talk the jargon of innovation, […]

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Why 96 Percent of Businesses Fail Within 10 Years

While there may be many contributing factors, there is only one reason businesses fail. Here’s what you can do to prevent your business from closing its doors. I can remember the first time I heard that 96% of businesses fail in ten years. I was shocked and upset. How can this be? Most people are […]