The Best 2 Hours You Can Spend on Netflix

If you’ve ever wondered why so many people would invest six days and thousands of dollars in a total immersion program with Tony Robbins, this is your chance to get a behind the scenes, VIP all-access pass right from your couch.

For more than 38 years, Tony Robbins has served as an adviser to thought leaders, c-suite business execs, athletes, and top entertainers alike. Now you can experience a summary version of his most powerful event; one that has touched the lives of the more than 4 million people who’ve attend his live seminars around the world.

This week I had the privilege of sitting down and speaking with two great talents. Joe Berlinger is a veteran documentarian whose films have garnered Academy Award nominations, seven Emmy nominations, Peabody awards, and virtually every other award a documentarian can amass. If that’s not enough, his films also helped get three innocent people off death row and out of prison. Tony Robbins is a New York Times No. 1 best-selling author, entrepreneur, and the chairman of a holding company whose more than a dozen privately held businesses deliver combined sales of more than $5 billion a year.

This Friday, July 15, Joe Berlinger’s original documentary Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru premieres on Netflix in 190 countries.

You can watch the full interview here:

Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru Delivers an Unflinching Look Inside Date With Destiny

“I resisted making this film initially,” says Tony Robbins. “How could you possibly capture the essence of six full, 12-hour days in a two-hour film? I also didn’t want the film to be disruptive to the 2,500 attendees. But Joe Berlinger convinced me to make this film. If the cameras were too disruptive to the folks who invested their hard-earned time and money to be there, I could send the cameras home. But I was amazed at how effectively and elegantly Joe was able to capture the essence of the program.”

“When I filmed the Paradise Lost Trilogy,” Joe Berlinger explains, “we had one hour of a two-hour movie capturing the court room scene. And yet, it was a 16-day trial. A documentary is about compression. You’re compressing the time while capturing the essence of the experience.”

I can personally attest to this. Having been moved by the universal insights gleaned at a Robbins event myself, this film captures the essence of the entire experience and goes even further, taking you backstage and behind the curtain for a real and raw look at the tapestry of human joy, suffering, struggle, conditions, and commonality.

Why This Film Is a MUST Watch
From one entrepreneur to another, let’s get real. You’re slammed for time and stressed out about all the things you want to accomplish personally and professionally. You have high expectations for your business and are constantly looking to make it even better. Who has time to sit down and watch a two-hour movie?

This one’s a MUST watch. Especially for people like you and me.

In Tony Robbins own words, “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” This movie helps you take a moment to reset and remember what’s really important in life. It provokes you to ask better questions. It calls you to be more.

Our careers (and the cell phones in our collective pockets) are enough to stress anyone out, but when you’re beating yourself up for not accomplishing all you have set out to do in this world while you’re still lucky enough to be above ground, you’re not going to make any progress. This movie will help you realign and reassess what’s most meaningful to you for a life on your terms. If you’ve not experienced Tony Robbins in person, I promise that this movie is all you need. Think of it as an online class designed to prime you for everyday human experience and how to show up at home and in the office as your best self. Seeing humanity in all its diversity of issues and experiences is very powerful fuel.

Pain Is Inevitable, but Suffering Is Not
What resonated most for me was the scene where Robbins asks if anyone is contemplating suicide and 12 people in the room stand up. The film focuses on a young woman from South America who has been sexually abused in a religious cult since the age of 6. She had been “the strong one” who was always there for her family. The transformation here is incredible to watch, and a stark reminder of just how powerful each and every one of us really is.

This weekend, fire up Joe Berlinger’s Netflix Original documentary Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru. It’s less than two hours and for the sake of you, your personal relationships, and your business–you’ll be glad you did. As Warren Buffett says, “The best investment you can make is in yourself.” Who knew it could be as easy as watching a movie.