What Significant Outcome In Your Life Would You Like To Accomplish In
Just One Day?
So much can be accomplished in a single day. Starting in July 2025 through June 2026, I will be traveling the world and happy to meet you where it’s most convenient for you. Are you ready to change the trajectory of your entire life in just one day?
Book Your VIP Day With Bill Carmody
Are you aware that it is possible to change the trajectory of your life in a single day? Having positively impacted the lives of thousands, I am certain that this is true. The key is H.O.W. When you’re Honest, Open and Willing, change can happen quickly. When you are ready to let go of the limiting beliefs that hold you back and replace them with new and empowering alternatives, you are empowered to shift your perspective, focus and ultimately your desired outcome.
Only you know if you’re ready to change the trajectory of your life. No one can do this for you. But when you are ready, know that there are people like me in the world who are committed to being your guide; ensuring you take the steps necessary for permanent and lasting change.
This is my invitation to you. When you know that you’re ready, select a date and a location that works for you. I offer in-person and virtual options so that you can co-create the kind of VIP Day experience that will ensure the setting best suited for your needs.
If you have questions and would like to speak with me directly, please schedule a 15-minute session with me to discuss your needs and address any questions or concerns that you may have about our work together. You’ll see that I have some clarifying questions of my own that will help ensure that you’re ready for a VIP Day and will receive the impact you desire from our work together. There’s also an abundance of information available throughout this website.

What Is A VIP Day?
I find that most of the people I know personally and have had the pleasure to work with are really incredible givers. This is why the concept of investing a whole day on yourself, your personal growth and the development of your business may feel a bit foreign. We are human BEings, not human DOers. As such it’s rare that we pause our busy lives for the sole purpose of changing the trajectory of our lives.
In some ways, a VIP Day can feel like a paradox. In our work together, we deliberately focus on the essential few things that will ensure a significant shift in your thinking as well as your commitment to who you choose to become. You decide on the outcomes you wish to achieve and we work together to build both the long-term plan and form the daily habits that are necessary to achieve that outcome.
Examples of VIP Day Focused Outcomes Include
Eradicate scarcity and tap into your infinite abundance.
Double the size of your existing business.
Have the vitality and the body you deserve.
Transition to the life of your dreams.
Can all this be achieved in a single day?
Achieved? No. But transformation isn’t about quick fixes. What can be achieved in a single day is one or more breakthroughs in which you shatter the old patterns and limiting beliefs that have you feeling stuck. And in its place, establish new daily routines that ensure a 1% improvement each day resulting in a 37 times exponential growth curve.
Love your primary relationship to the next level.
When Are VIP Days With Bill Carmody Available?
This website was designed when I decided to take my daughter, Violet, around the world with me as part of her gap year experience.
Dates for In-Person VIP Days
If you are interested in an in-person VIP Day, you can book one now through May 2025 in New York City (and the surrounding area).
From June 2025 until July 2026, you can select any of the following cities where we can meet as part of my world tour. You can select a nearby city or choose to meet me in an epic location you’ve always wanted to visit. Either way, you’re sure to have an incredible experience.
Dates for In-Person VIP Days
If meeting in person is not important to you, we can create a powerful virtual experience without the travel logistics. Currently, I’m booking virtual VIP Days now through May 2025.
Given my world travel schedule from June 2025 to July 2026, I’m prioritizing the in-person VIP Days at present, but will likely make virtual VIP Days available during that time depending on where in the world I’ll be (and how good our internet connection is likely to be in that location).
Have A Specific Date In Mind?
Now Through May 2025
Please schedule a 15-minute session with me to share your preferred date(s), discuss your needs and address any questions or concerns that you may have about our work together. You’ll see that I have some clarifying questions of my own that will help ensure that you’re ready for a VIP Day and will receive the impact you desire from our work together. I look forward to connecting with you and seeing if this is a good fit for you.
June 2025 to July 2026
Please select any of the following cities where we can meet as part of my world tour. Once you know which location and day you’re interested in, please schedule a 15-minute session with me to share your preferred location, date(s), and discuss your needs.

Where Are VIP Days With Bill Carmody Available?
Back in the early 1990s when I was building some of the very first commercial websites for companies like AT&T, CBS, MasterCard and Coors Brewing Company, I hated the lame, “coming soon” placeholder pages. So rather than taking the lazy route, let me share exactly what the plan is so you can follow along with me as my world tour unfolds.
Dates for In-Person VIP Days
If you are interested in an in-person VIP Day, you can book one now through May 2025 in New York City (and the surrounding area).
From June 2025 until July 2026, you can select any of the following cities where we can meet as part of my world tour. You can select a nearby city or choose to meet me in an epic location you’ve always wanted to visit. Either way, you’re sure to have an incredible experience.
New York City VIP Days
From now until May 2025, you can book an in-person VIP Day with me in New York City and the surrounding area. Generally speaking this can be done (just about) any Thursday, Friday or Saturday of your choice. You can suggest the day that works best for you and we’ll lock it in together. Have a date in mind? Please schedule a 15-minute session with me and we’ll get it on the calendar.
Europe, Asia, Oceania World Tour
(From June 2025 until July 2026)
This part of the journey is currently being mapped out as you read this. Generally speaking, there will be many cities in Europe made available in the months of June, July, August and September of 2025. Africa will be in October 2025. Asia in November and December. Then in January 2026, Australia and February 2026 for New Zealand. With some possible back-tracking to Asia before returning home.
I’m working diligently with our travel agent to finalize our travel plans and as soon as they are close enough to share, I will be posting here so that we can dream into what our in-person experience will include in the most incredible cities across the globe.
Who Is Bill Carmody?
TEDx Speaker | Bestselling Author | Chief Coaching Officer for Positive Intelligence
Bill Carmody is the Chief Coaching Officer for Positive Intelligence, who in 2023 was named the 567th fastest growing private company in the United States according to Inc Magazine. Together with CEO Shirzad Chamine, Bill has supported more than 60,000 coaches globally to become mentally fit through our coaching grant program (see PositiveIntelligence.com/100x).
Bill Carmody is also responsible for the creation and rollout of the Sage Business Development program, PQ WealthBuilder and has a passion for supporting coaches in eradicating scarcity and tapping into their infinite abundance in order to elevate the business end of their coaching business.
Bill Carmody has had some epic adventures. From becoming a Top 100 sales influencer to standing next to Tony Robbins as he rang the opening bell for NASDAQ to dropping 75 pounds and finishing in the top 50% in his first 140.6-mile Ironman. He was even flown to Brazil to interview Sir Richard Branson. Bill’s pronouns are he, him, his and he is a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion + Belonging Ally-in-Training and is a vocal advocate for transgender rights as well as the father of a transgender child.
Bill Carmody has founded and successfully exited two highly profitable and award-winning multimillion-dollar marketing agencies. With over 30 years of marketing experience, he has been in the digital marketing industry since its inception in 1994. Bill Carmody built the first commercial websites for AT&T, CBS, MasterCard and Coors Brewing Company.
Why Book A VIP Day With Bill Carmody?
Nobody needs a VIP Day … not with me or anyone else. So why might you want to invest in one for yourself?
Simply put, this one-day has the power to forever change the trajectory of your life. That’s a bold statement. Allow me to back that up so that you can decide for yourself if this is right for you.
No one can tell you how to live your life. Only you know the true purpose of your life. Specifically, why you were born and what you are meant to do here before you die. The trouble is that all around you are false messages telling you lies. You know the ones I’m talking about. The messages that imply you’re not good enough as you are. That you don’t have what it takes to be who you were truly meant to be. That your past someone predicts your future. That being financially free and successful requires a daily grind. And the list goes on.
You sense that your life is meant for something greater than you are experiencing today. You hear the whisper calling you to your greatness; to your greatest potential. Yes, you are not perfect and you also know that your imperfections make you exactly who you are: extraordinary and irreplaceable in every way.
Your specific reason is deeply personal – only you know it. But when the noise settles down and you are left with the privacy of your own thoughts inside your inner sanctum, the truth begins to reveal itself. There is something inside you that is powerful beyond all measure.
When you choose to let go of those limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, what’s left is your most authentic self. When your most authentic self shows up, you are unstoppable. Then, it’s only a matter of what you choose to focus on in order to have a transformative outcome in your life. And once you step into this power, you won’t want to go back. So, instead of returning to your previous life, you design daily habits for yourself that remind you of who you really are and what you’re truly capable of in this lifetime.
Each day you improve just 1% – barely noticeable. And yet, this 1% compounds every day and within 12 months you are 37 times better than when you first began this journey. The changes, when they are happening, are barely noticeable. But taken out over a full year, it’s impossible not to see the change – the exponential shift that has forever changed the trajectory of your life.
If this is calling to you, I’m committed to supporting you to step into your new life. Only you can forever change the trajectory of your life. A VIP Day with me creates the foundation and setting for what deeply desires to emerge from within you.

How Much Is A VIP Day With Bill Carmody?
I receive $10,000 for this one-day event.
Is a VIP Day worth $10,000?
What is it worth to forever change the trajectory of your life?
For example, assuming that you are, in fact, able to double your current business in the 12 months following our work together, what would this represent in terms of a return on investment (ROI) for your business?
What is the value of transitioning from where you are today to the life of your dreams? No longer living with the fears and uncertainties that hold you back from being who you want to be.
And once you have forever eradicated scarcity and tapped into your infinite abundance, consider what that is worth now and in the future. No sense of lack. No more chasing the answers “out there” somewhere and instead looking inside yourself for the best answers to your own life.
For those who choose to focus on their primary relationship, what is it worth to step into a blissful loving relationship? Alternatively, what’s the cost of a (messy) divorce these days? If we’re not growing our primary relationship every day, then we are slowly allowing it to crumble.
And for those who choose to focus on having the vitality and body you deserve, what is that truly worth? As you extend your life and take care of your body, you are giving yourself the gift of time, God willing. Time to enjoy all that you have created. Time to spend with the people you love the most. Time to be the shining example for others to follow.