Category : World Travel

Overcoming Visa Challenges & Learning to Packing Light
The hard thing about visiting 52 countries in a year is that most of them have specific Visa requirements -- including needing a full page to stamp your passport. When your default passport only has 25 pages, that's a problem. How did we solve it? Also, we talk about hitting up a travel expert for Mormon Missionaries who tend to be young adults traveling the world for 2 years with minimal luggage.

Making Friends on the Road: Community & Connections
In episode 9, Violet and Bill Carmody chat about how we plan to make friends during our 52 weeks of travel. This includes tapping into our existing communities such as coaches, family and global friends as well as connection we've made along the way. Violet sees dancing it out in every city as a way to break the language barrier and connect with people her own age.

Time Out + Google Keynote in Dublin, Ireland on July 4, 2025
Bill and Violet Carmody wll be delivering a FREE event in Google Ireland on Friday, July 4, 2025 at 2pm. Registration details will be forthcoming. In the meantime, Violet and I talk through our mutual excitement to kick off our World Tour in this way.

Elena Carmody (Wife & Mom) Joins Us for Part of Our Trip
Elena Carmody joins us on our World Tour for about 9 out of 52 weeks. She shares her experience and challenges with planning any travel, let alone a full year internationally.

Meet Peter, Founder of TravellersPoint.com
In this episode, I take the opportunity to thank Peter, the founder of TravellersPoint.com for his amazing tool. You’ll see i’m currently using on my homepage so that I can share where Violet and I will be travelling (and when.
Without Peter’s tool, I was struggling to visually share where I would be in the world and when. This tool was first discovered by my travel agent and coaching friend, Kerrie Gordon. It changed everything. It’s allowed Kerrie to help me visually see where we’d be when, and easily adjust our travel plans as opportunities continue to arise.

Homesickness & Comforts from Home: What We’ll Miss Most
In this episode, Violet and I discuss the things we'll be most homesick for as we travel around the world for 12 months out of the year. We also used ChatGPT to come up with a list of future episode topics.

An Abundance of Support
Violet and I receive an abundance of support from our fellow coaches as we plan out our world tour.
Sponsorship Opportunity? Seriously? How?
Bill & Violet discuss the possibility of having a sponsor for our world tour and what that could me for us as we travel.

Bill & Violet Share About Planning Our World Tour
Bill & Violet discuss how we decided to travel the world together starting in July of 2025.