Elena Carmody (Wife & Mom) Joins Us for Part of Our Trip

Yes, this is my wife Elena (Violet’s mom) and she’s agreed to chat with us about her experience as we plan out our travel all over the world.

“It’s Hard Enough Planning 2 Weeks of Travel …”

Indeed. Elena and I are very different planners. At my core, I believe every moment of every day is a gift; that all of life is happening FOR me, not TO me. To that end, I’m excited to meet coaches all over the world — many of whom I’ve had the pleasure to work with from 2019 to 2025 via Zoom.

Elena, on the other hand, will painstakingly research each location to make sure she knows the “must sees”" and the “must dos” in order to have had the full (recommended?) experience. At her core, Elena is a history buff. She loves learning about ancient civilizations, architecture and the things that make any city “famous.”

Both are totally fine. Elena’s approach ensures that we won’t miss anything spectacular and I’m happy connecting with the locals who live there now and, ideally, seeing their region of the world through their eyes.

“…Italy, Greece, Japan & Thailand.”

Given everywhere Violet and I have mapped out in our World Travel, Elena has prioritized the four countries she’s most excited for. That doesn’t mean she won’t see about returning when we spend quality time in New Zealand or venture off to see the exotic wildlife on the Galapagos Islands.

It’s a start. I’m excited to have at least 9 weeks with Elena joining us. While I’d love to have more of her time during our 52 week adventure, I’ll take the current 17% that has been agreed to. From there, who knows? That’s part of the adventure that both Violet and I seek on this World Tour.

Elena Carmody bellydancing.

And yes, this is Elena performing one of her many bellydances. And yes, I AM the luckiest man in the world. Elena and I met in my karate studio in 1996. We were both red belts. I tested for Cho Dan (my black belt) on May 20, 1998 and never stopped (I’m currently a 5th Dan ready to test for my 6th Degree black belt). Elena pivoted. Rather than becoming a black belt herself, she picked up fans and zils and has been pleasing crowds ever since.

Bill Carmody’s Side Kick Taken in 2024


Time Out + Google Keynote in Dublin, Ireland on July 4, 2025


Meet Peter, Founder of TravellersPoint.com