Think Business Podcast: Free Coaching Session

For a limited time, I’m offering the audience of the Think Business podcast a free Millionaire Wealth Coaching session. To reserve your spot, send an email to with the subject “Free Coaching Session” and answer the following 3 questions:

  • 1. What do you LOVE about your finances and the wealth side of your life right now?

  • 2. What aspect of your finances would you love to improve?

      .  3. Why is becoming a (Multi)Millionaire a MUST for you?

That’s it! I will book these sessions starting in the month of February on a first come, first served basis, so don’t delay. This is a $500 value, it’s totally free and there’s nothing to buy in order to get the free coaching session (read: there’s no catch).

Why Am I Doing This?
My goal is to help one million people become millionaires by 2022. I find coaching to be a very effective method of making this happen. I want you to experience what it’s like to tackle a problem that has been holding you back from being totally financially free.

If you love the experience, I invite you to share this offer with those you love — especially anyone who may be struggling financially and needs some help.

I’m also offering the audience of the Think Business a free chapter of my book, Millionaire. To receive your free chapter, send an email to with the subject “Free Chapter of Millionaire Book” and you’ll get it before the book is even published. Thank you for listening to this podcast episode. I hope you enjoyed it!